Being° Apprenticeship


"I am an ever-evolving masterpiece. I exist in a perpetual state of becoming, with no final destination to arrive. And within this realm of being—found only in the 'now,'—I commit to loving deeply and unreasonably, only always.”

Sarita Walsh




¹ existence

² being alive; living

³ the nature or essence of a person


¹ a person who works with another in order to learn an art, trade or profession

² a person legally bound to a master craftsman in order to learn a trade

Master the art of being°

My way of being°

For a long time I was bound by rules, and lived in constant fear of being wrong and looking bad.

I finally learnt to slow down, listen to my inner knowing, embrace and trust myself, and no longer feel the need to follow the traditional expected way.


  • being your full potential boldly and loving each moment of your life.

  • being your purpose—giving your gifts to the world and leaving a lasting legacy.

  • being in the flow—where your goals, desires, and intentions are created with ease and grace.

  • living a life of true freedom—where you can stand unshakable amidst the chaos of everyday experiences.

  • living a life where inspiration flows through you and you create abundance effortlessly.

I, now, only choose to learn rules like a pro, simply to break them like the playful and creative being° that I am.

I, now, choose to constantly consciously create my way of being°

The principles

I don’t want to offer traditional training.

I want to create a personalised apprenticeship for anyone who is ready to master the art of being° and create a highly successful coaching practice based on simple and powerful principles—to take your life and your business to a deeply-fulfilling and prosperous level.

This programme is built around 3 simple and powerful principles:

  1. Be you

  2. Be alive

  3. Be unreasonable

The programme

Your being° apprenticeship is a bespoke coaching experience. Meaning, it is completely custom-made for you.

Your being° apprenticeship is ‘the works’. We look at every aspect of your business and your life from the inside out.

12-months of Being° Apprentice

  • 90+ hours

  • 1.5 hours (3x per month)

  • 2 full in-person days

  • Unlimited email and text access

  • Focused goal-oriented sessions (as needed)

  • Access to all of my coaching resources, products, videos, manuals, outlines, presentations, contracts and content

  • The option to attend all of my workshops

I'll be in your life for the next 12 months—every step of the way—to assist you in breaking through old limitations, access your true authentic power, and experience deep bliss and fulfillment in every area of your life.

The apprenticeship is reserved for ✳︎two people✳︎ per year who are completely committed to creating a thriving practice as a Leadership and Being° Coach.

✳︎One spot opening for 2024✳︎ Please apply below

The first step

Being° Apprenticeship Application

The investment

Agreement: $48,000

This opportunity will cost you far more than money.

You must be ready to invest your energy, your time and your commitment to creating something so powerful in your life that it will have a life-long impact on you, and every one of your clients.

I work with those whose word is more powerful than any contract or document.

All compensation is paid prior to the first coaching session and is non-refundable. If you choose to quit for any reason, all compensation will go directly to a non-profit of my choice.

If we agree that this is a HELL YES decision for both of us—and remember that this is not for everyone—then you’ll make the payment, and feel a rush of energy probably alongside some doubts and concerns of whether you are up for the journey. That’s okay—it’s called being human.

If you have any further questions—let’s be in conversation.

My business model


“The master in the art of living makes little distinction between his work and his play, his labor and his leisure, his mind and his body, his education and his recreation, his love and his religion. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence at whatever he does, leaving others to decide whether he is working or playing. To him he is always doing both.”

James A. Michener