
BTC | What to Expect | Your Coach | Testimonials | FAQs | Apply Now

BTC° Winter ’24 Cohort

  • “I was unsure if the magical transformation and results that were highlighted in the testimonials could be true for me, too.”

    “I was unsure if it would really help because I thought I tried most everything.”

    “I was afraid that I would be even more disappointed at not getting results after making a big investment.”

    “I was afraid I might not have anything to show for myself at the end of the experience.”

    “I worried that I wouldn’t make enough changes for it to be worth the investment.”

    “I doubted the steadiness of my commitment and ability to create lasting results.”

    “I was scared I wouldn’t fully show up for this program and then feel major regrets at the end, like I didn’t get my money’s worth.”

    “Doubt in my ability to grow.”

    “The cost and the fear of failure.”


“I have had COUNTLESS successes since joining, including starting my business and signing my first paying client.”

“I have improved in SO many areas of my life in ways I never thought imaginable.”

“I’ve made huge strides toward my career goals.”

“No more overwhelm – I now have a clear direction.”

“I am more COMMITTED than ever to actively pursue my dreams and take tangible steps to turn them into reality.”

“Life is sweet and purposeful!”

“I feel more empowered to stand in my truth and create the life I want, no matter what others may think.”

“I’ve truly embraced my potential.”

“I’ve made huge strides in my fear of judgment and I now enjoy sharing my creations publicly.”

“With my newfound commitment, I know that it is only a matter of time and frequent courageous action-taking for my dreams to come into fruition.”

“I’ve gained a stronger sense of self-confidence.”

“I observe myself taking decisive actions at a pace I’ve never experienced before.”


Describe the experience in ONE word

BTC° Summer ’23 Cohort


BTC° Winter ’22 Cohort


“This was THE BEST investment I have ever made for myself.”

New York

“It truly was a life-changing experience. Thank you thank you thank you.”


“Oh wow—I got chills just starting to think about how this experience has impacted me.”


“Holy shit—I had a massive breakthrough on something I've been trying to figure out in therapy for YEARS”


“The shift for me is real. I am so grateful that I trusted my gut and joined all of you in this community.”


“Worth every penny. This process is just magical.”


“Investing in this was the best 2022 choice I made.”


“Life has completely changed because I knew what I wanted.

Each time I invested in myself I was able to significantly increase my self worth & income.”

New York

Being° Celebrated



This video was created by BTC 2022 participants.

I trust that the effort it took to put together this video will be a true testament to how transformative and magical this experience has been for everyone involved—including myself.



A response from BTC participant when asked “What’s the cost of NOT investing in Being° the Creator group coaching program?”


Post-Exp. Gratitude


Q&A with BTC Participants

Reach out to the BTC alumni


These remarkable beings have generously offered their time, energy and attention to connect and support you in your next chapter.


Kelsea Rounds

An ocean of love and a purpose-driven Creative Director

Email Kelsea

Pia Thompson

A force of continual expansion, a single mum and a Konmari Consultant

Email Pia

Natalie Weilandt

A wordsmith with incredible sharpness and clarity and a UI/UX Designer

Email Natalie

Rebi Gaál

A humble genius with an imaginative intuition and a Cambridge Grad

Email Rebi

Erin Crotty

A natural leader, a divine enrichment and a cutting edge Vice President

Email Erin

Terri S.

A breath of fresh creative air that inspires and breathes life into others

Email Terri

Laila Aarab Bahillo

A creator of natural rhythm and aliveness and an architect of being

Email Laila

Aggeliki Chrysafidi

Says the right thing at exactly the right time to exactly the right person in exactly the right place

Email Aggeliki


BTC | What to Expect | Your Coach | Testimonials | FAQs | Apply Now