The ‘30 days of writing' project

🕑 5 minute read

One of my 2023 commitments is to communicate clearly—and in order to communicate clearly, one must think clearly. Since writing is thinking in practice, I decided to:

  • Bring back The ‘30 days of being' project 

  • Commit to writing every day for 30 days starting today

  • Celebrate on January 31, 2023

Transformation occurs with tiny, tiny steps. In this case, 30 tiny steps.

Inspired to join me?

The rules are simple:

  1. Choose to create something that is meaningful to your long-term purpose in life

  2. Make it simple and repeatable

  3. Create consistently every day for 30 days

  4. Aim for progress—not perfection

  5. Use the ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ approach to track your progress

    • Have you done the thing or not? Yes or No?

  6. If you need accountability—share your 30-day commitment with your community

I’ll be sharing my writing below, as well as instagram. Use the #30daysofbeing so I could see what you’re creating.

My ‘30 days of writing' practice


Day 01 — 01.01.23

Random thoughts during yoga practice

When we practice living everyday like a new beginning, new year doesn’t feel as precious.

There is less pressure—and expectation—to perform, because we know we have tomorrow to begin again.

365 (days) opportunities.

31,536,000 (seconds) chances to start over.

It’s liberating to know we have a choice—and that we can always choose to begin again,

and again,
and again,
and again,

in the infinite moment of now.

Day 02 — 01.02.23

There is value in knowing what not to do.

In experimenting and going just a little too far to see where the edges are—so we know the perimeter of our desired experience.

To walk—and fall,
bike—and crash,
write—and misspell,
bake—and burn,
drink—and be drunk.

Give yourself a break, embrace ‘mistakes’.

It’s through these ‘mistakes’ that we gain the wisdom of experience and clarity through contrast.

They are invitations for us to practice beginning again gracefully, and trusting in our ability to redirect—not repeat.

Day 03 — 01.03.23

The beauty of impermanence.

Last year I heard a beautiful question:

“What do I need to know about you in order to understand you?”

My answer:

“That growing up, I felt worthless, inferior, fundamentally flawed and deeply alone.

That today, the love I have for myself and others could drown oceans.”

Day 04 — 01.04.23

Use your imagination—not your past—to create your future.

Day 05 — 01.05.23

One of the best decisions I’ve ever made was not avoiding a relationship while I’m working on myself.

The right person will give you the space, presence, love, respect and support.

You do not need solitude to grow.

Keep yourself open for joy.

Day 06 — 01.06.23

Q: What's the hardest part about starting?

A: Crossing your mental barrier of potentially facing disappointment, because your expectations—or your taste—are far more refined than your first-attempt could ever live up to.

Day 07 — 01.07.23

Q: How do you define Self-love?

A: I find it helpful to define the opposite first.

The opposite of love is indifference.


  • A complete lack of interest/concern about self.

  • To be indifferent to own self.

Opposite of Self-indifference:

  • A complete interest/concern about self.

  • To be invested to own self.

So I would define Self-love as: To take greater care for—and place more value on—self.

Day 08 — 01.08.23

Q: What were you doing at the age of 25? Did you ever feel lost?

A: I was SO lost at 25! I was going through a quarter life crisis.

I was:

  • Experiencing existential dread

  • Unsure what to do next in career or life

  • Anxiety ridden

  • Depressed for months

  • Crying on the daily

  • Feeling utterly hopeless

  • Comparing myself with other people

  • Wishing I had their life

  • Considering their accomplishments as my personal failures

Now I know that lost is a lovely place to find myself.

Lost pushed me to seek—and seek led me to find.

Trust in your resilience and ability to shift exactly how you need to in this chapter of your life.

You see lost.

I see the genesis of arriving at your truth.

Day 09 — 01.09.23

Self love is knowing how to choose yourself before anyone else.

I did not finish this ‘30 days of writing’ project—and here is a piece I wrote about my experience and insights.